Please Your Mistress Phone Sex



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When you have the deep need to be told you're a good boy (or a good girl), you know what you need to do. Oh, you don't? Well that's a little sad, isn't it. Don't worry, I'm here, and I can help you! In order to reach the orgasmic heights of perfectly obeying your Mistress, your very first step has to be to reach out to the Mistress of your dreams. I know, so terribly scary, isn't it? Reaching out, taking that step, embracing the risk, it's all so overwhelming and carries with it the risk of rejection. Every submissive individual's nightmare! Lucky you, you're here. And the risk of rejection is actually very low.

All you have to do is dial the number and ask to speak with me. Simple! Easy, and yet still a little scary, I know. People like you tend to be a little intimidated by women like me. But I want to reassure you that talking with me is just as easy and fun as talking with a very good friend. I won't judge you, or laugh at you, or mock you for being a weak and hapless little simp. Unless that turns you on, in which case all bets are off!

You see, I'm very easy to please. All you have to do to make me very happy with you is to be utterly perfect in every way, obey every single command I give you, and demonstrate exemplary skills and talents.

Is that worrying to you? Don't be afraid, because I know a little secret about you. You're already perfect, you have all the skills I expect you to have before you call me, and I'm certain you will do your best to obey my slightest whim. As long as you're willing to try to do the things I'll ask you to do, to work hard and attempt to overcome your own shortcomings, and do each task a little bit better than you performed it the day before, you will absolutely please me.

I will ask you to do something so very simple, and yet so incredibly complex and difficult, all in the name of earning that "good pet" from me. Just, try. Give it a good faith attempt.

Whether what I ask of you is to work yourself to the edge of orgasm repeatedly, to refrain from masturbation or orgasm for increasingly lengthy spans of time, or to paddle your own rear for my amusement, you simply need to attempt the task. If you'd like harsher punishments for failing to meet my expectations, we can negotiate for that, as well. I want to make it abundantly clear to you that I don't start out mean or cruel. I am kind, and compassionate, and sympathetic to your deeply buried yearning and desires. I know you need this so much that you can't even think about being mine, really mine, without crying a little.

You can trust me with the deepest vulnerable parts of yourself and your desires. Tell me what you need, and what you're willing to do to earn my approval. And then, put your cock, your sweet pussy, your hands, your mouth, and your body on the line. Once we decide together what you're going to do for me, I will expect you to follow through. You want to really earn the words, don't you? I want you to earn them, too. I want you to work so hard to be good for me, to please me deeply. I know you will. Because deep down inside, you really are a good submissive.



Please Your MIstress with Pass the Penis Phone Sex (800) 356-6169

10 Non-sexual Ways to Please Your Mistress

by Ms. Constance

When it comes to ways to please your Mistress it is important to know what type of Mistress she is and what things she enjoys. Pleasing a Mistress is not a one size fits all type thing and you need to put time and effort into pleasing her. The following 10 things are ways to please your Mistress that have nothing to do with sex but have everything to do with making your Mistress truly pleased and Happy.

1: Spend time with her and get to know what makes her happy, actually be interested in what she has to say and how she feels about things. Listening and getting to know your Mistress will make your job of pleasing her so much easier.

2: Show your devotion once you have gotten to know your Mistress and understand what makes her tick. Show her your total and undying devotion to her and her needs. Praise her in all ways you possibly can and let her know that she is the Only Mistress for you and that you will be totally devoted to her forever.

3: Be generous with your time and with your small tokens of devotion. There is no need to go overboard with gifts especially if you can t afford them. But small thoughtful gifts are one great way to please Mistress and show her how much you care.

4: Be respectful at all times. Even when your day is a rough one still be respectful of your Femdom Mistress. Never take out your frustrations or problems on your Mistress instead ask her for guidance and support. Never disrespect your Mistress in any way including the actions you take when not in her presence. You represent your Mistress always be respectful of your place.

5: Appreciating your Mistress is an excellent way of pleasing her, understanding what she does for you on and off the phone and all that she gives of herself. Appreciate the time she gives you and the thought she puts into your pla

y time and daily communication.

6: Make her smile— yes you read that right, you can please your Mistress by making it your goal to put a smile on her face daily. If you know your Mistress well enough you will know just how to please her and put a smile on her face.

7: Make it all about your Mistress and Her needs. She is your Mistress and you want to please her and by making her a priority and putting her needs above yours you will be pleasing her in ways that you just can’t really understand.

8: Communicate with your Mistress. This may seem like a strange way to please her but honestly by communicating your needs and your daily details with her, and letting her know where your head is at you are pleasing her. Your Mistress should never have to guess what is going on with you because it is your job to communicate clearly with her and take all the guess work out of it.

9: Please your Mistress by doing what is asked of you in a timely manner. Nothing displeases a Mistress like excuses for everything. If your Mistress assigns you something to do get it done in a timely manner and be eager to do so. If you can’t do this she should know up front and not when you are making excuses for why it is not being done.

10: Do not whine and complain and look for fault. Pleasing your Mistress goes deeper than sexually pleasing her and being a whiney complaining sub does not please her trust me! You can voice your opinions and you can share your thoughts but don’t whine and complain it is not fun or exciting and certainly not how you please your Mistress.